Named for Lemurians from the Boa Vista mine, that had distinctive appearance and energy, very nurturing and goddess like.Goddess Energy is not gender based – it is an energy connected to Divine Feminine Energy creating balance with Masculine Energy. Goddess Energy is the energy of Love and Life. Goddess represents the spark of Divine Energy that is within each of us and is the True Essence of who we are. She has great power and yet she doesn’t flaunt it or use it unnecessarily. She knows when to use her power and when to do nothing. Goddess has limitless compassion, with an innate ability to nurture. She is wise and trusts her knowledge as well as her intuition. She listens to others, to life and to her intuition. She is deeply connected to Spirit and is comfortable with the timing of the seasons of life. Goddess maintains her inner connection above all else, she knows that her Spirit knows all there is to know and so she stays tuned in to this inner voice of truth.
2.5" wide 2" long