Now matter who you are or what Chinese astrological sign you are, this can be a powerful year for you. All predictions aside, when I tune into the energy of this year, I feel optimism, hope, transformation, and evolution. I have been feeling Dragon and Phoenix energy in my field for a while. Magic shimmers when I tune into the energies. Both of these energies represent alchemy through fire. Transmutation. We are being asked to transmute our darker energies, our stuck points in order to seize the magic, our magic.
The dragon energies that I have sensed speak to me of the Divine Feminine energies anchoring more fully onto Gaia, and into our physical manifestations here; a soul in the physical. The Divine Feminine asks us to level up so that we can help lift the Divine Masculine into balance. No, it is not about supplanting the patriarchy, although a balancing, no doubt, be part of the outcome. It is about healing ourselves (women and men) in such a way that we can then allow the forgiveness that will be pivotal in order for us to continue to evolve. Some might call it ascend. As my wise teacher, Jo Dunning says, we are moving from Homosapien to Homo-Luminous. We have to clear the density in order to hold more divine light.
Density is the places where we are stuck. The patterns unlearned. The lack of self-love. The lack of forgiveness. The thought patterns or belief systems that we are done with, and yet have not cleared. So how do we do that? How can we magnetize Dragon energies to help us evolve? We can start by committing ourselves to exploring some or all of these.
- Grounding is always going to be your first step to healing…anything.
- Making sure that you are breathing fully into your solar plexus. This invites your full essence to inhabit your physical being, and therefor you are more resourced.
- Being willing to begin to be with the feelings that come up for you. Just observing. We tend to avoid feelings because well…we just don’t like to feel the feels. But we are being asked to do just that in order to process them, rather than stuff them to be dealt with in 30 years, or worse, another lifetime. Often times just being with a feeling is enough to release them in the moment.
- Get into nature and just be. Leave your phone and music in the car. I see people out walking on the phone or with earphones on and I think they are missing an opportunity to just “Be”.
- Get help in the form of Energy work, EMDR, Brain Spotting. Something that helps move the stuck energy out from the body, so that you can be present to your next step.
- Ask for help from your guides. I ask every morning “Guide me to persons, places, or things that will inform my next steps for the highest and best good for all.”
We came here, to earth, with amazing gifts and amazing destinies to fulfill. Let Dragon energy work for you. Let’s ride on the back of your own inner Dragon and soar! Tap into its ancient wisdom. Use dragon-breath to burn away stuck energies. Dragons represent power and good fortune. Embrace the energy flowing your way, clearing your path to the future you desire.
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